Tribute to an old friend and the truth about the Horror of Mt. Rushmore

souix protestThis is a moving video I came across from Julia Christopher Perri Moreno last year. this is moving to see how a typical “dorky” white guy gets exposed to the truth of reservation life and how he is changed…I’m posting this in memory of my old friend the late Robert Cruz . who I met when we were both at the Yale Summer High School in 1967. The Yale Summer High School was a program for so-called gifted high school kids from impoverished backgrounds. I went there for two years Robert went there for two years and worked there for one summer. Robert was a part of the “Rosebud Sioux Tribe” or ”  Sicangu Oyate Lakota” He grew up on the Rosebud Reservation .He was s champion Gymnast and like the rest of us in the program blessed with a brilliant intellect but cursed to be born in a place where there was no opportunity…and we would stay up late at night comparing life on an Urban housing project where I came from and The Reservation that he came from …Robert was the first person to explain to me how the sculptures on Mount Rushmore could be compared to Hitler carving his likeness on the “Wailing Wall” in Israel ..The constant insult of seeing those horrible sculptures on what to his people was sacred Land.( see this link  .he called Mt. Rushmore a “monstrosity” and he was right.To this day I can’t imagine living with such a constant reminder that his whole nation and people are still “prisoners of please watch this video when you have time …it’s not what you may expect.   Try this link..

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