Election Day Nov. 4th 2014

I don’t know what to say about today that has not already been said. Voting is not only your right but a hard won privilege. In March of 1965 I stood on a bridge with future congressman John Lewis along with over a hundred other people preparing to march from Selma Alabama, in the cause of getting a voting rights act that we hoped would stand the test of time. If you have ever seen footage of what happened that day you know that we were people of all ages, and colors I was a teen. We were charged by troopers on horseback, policeman with shotguns and clubs and driven back..the day became known as “Bloody Sunday”.. many of the people who have been voted into office at this time have conspired to take much of what we fought for away. Many of you have told me on facebook that voting means nothing, many of you have said that the parties are all the same and it makes no difference who we vote for or even if we show up… well, if you pay attention to what has happened with our Supreme Court lately you should be able to see that it makes a big difference who is voting in Congress.. and what if anything they stand for, the people who win today will be setting policy that will effect you your children and your grandchildren. Regardless of how you feel about voting , not showing up today will be letting them down..and if you still don’t believe in voting shut the hell up and let the rest of us take care of businessVote 5

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