New Purchases and Old Age

My wife and I have been together for a long time ( met in ’71 married in ’72 ) . Like many young couples we were near destitute for the first half decade or so. But we were very happy. I look back sometimes on our tax returns from 72-77..when we got by somehow on five to six thousand dollars a year..and that was with a young child. When we and our long past grown up kids get together sometimes today my kids actually will look back fondly on having fish sticks for dinner sometimes three times a week.They seem to have no idea how poor we actually were for a while. With the cost of living today I have no idea how we got by some times…I remember the tiny little oven I had for many of those years. But being the son of a chef… we had some wonderful holiday meals prepared on that piece of shit oven..Twenty years ago we bought what we thought would be our last major kitchen purchases…a seemingly nice oven..and a fridge with a huge freezer section..Thinking of all the stuff we would buy at bargain prices and then freeze. Getting ready for living on a fixed income. Two days ago our “golden years” oven died …and I of course panicked..But my wonderful spouse ..did for me what only she can do..calmed me down and reminded me of those credit cards I have but almost NEVER use..( I have a dreadful fear of debt…that my Dad passed along to me ) after looking around ..big time ….for half the retail price I’m going to have the oven of my dreams for half the retail price !!!! ..and actually allowing for inflation at about a third of the price we paid for the last one twenty years ago………right now you are asking yourself >>>why is he writing about this ??? Well it’s because I’m OLD…and this is the kind of shit we think about…have a great day ! Top picture is My wife Conni and I in 1972..newly weds..the bottom pic is from the party we had on our 25th anniversary in 1997Tim and Conni..newly weds 1972 001 Conni and Tim's 25th 001

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