What “boomers” know ( and guess what ?..we were much more radical , anti-racist, and activist than most of today’s “Millennials” ) that many people have forgotten. We have been here before..as much change as we built with our organizing and demonstrating in the 1960s..the forces of power used the fact that there was rioting, burning and destruction in the cities as a call to arms for conservative and reactionary forces..when the election of 1968 happened..Richard Nixon a man who could teach Trump a WHOLE LOT about being a fascist .appealed to what he called “the great silent majority” to go to the polls in armies..to stop the fear. Nixon won that election..BIG TIME..We found out later that looting can catch on like a sickness…all it takes is one or two people to break a window , and the masses get set off..the worse the times are..the easier ..just like lighting a fuse..and even ordinary people could get “looting” fever..years later we find that many times the people who struck that match ..worked for Nixon.and sometimes even the Klan…Nixon called himself the “Law and Order” candidate..guess who is using the same tactic??..Trump..and many of us are playing right into his hands…Like I say all the time..”nothing is new under the sun”..and the nation is getting “played” again…with an “old trick”….just an old head talking.