241078917_10222970445241102_7909583664452776366_nThe Supreme Court refused just before midnight on Wednesday to block a Texas law prohibiting most abortions, less than a day after it took effect and became the most restrictive abortion measure in the nation.

The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining the court’s three liberal members in dissent.”

OKAY, I am old enough to REALLY get the symbolism behind this picture. As a child I saw one woman bleed to death. And was in the next room when another woman died when her body became “septic” and my aunt who she came to for help could not save her. All from “botched ” abortions. And by the time they came to my aunt to get help in rural Georgia.. it was too late.. Women too desperate and with too few choices. I was too young to understand at the time what a “back ally” abortion was. But I found out. The new law passed in Texas is like a mean spirited step back into the “stone age” Women Black , white, rich and poor died of or suffered lasting damage due to the lack of safe …and legal, abortions. It has nothing to do with whether you approved of abortion. It has to due with the health and safety of women. Do to believe in THAT??. And while I am on the subject. In times like this ..too many mostly white privileged alleged progressives like to spread around the idea of “Boycotting” the state of Texas. I’m sorry, all the people I know in Texas are Brown and Black and Native people who don’t deserve to have their livelihood threatened because liberals and alleged progressive want to jump on the boycott band wagon just because they don’t understand the demographics of Texas. If you really want to help ..send money to people doing voter registration and education in Texas. Help fight voter suppression in Texas…but musicians , and people in the service industry don’t have to suffer

On the 13 soldiers who died in the evacuation bombings in Afghanistan

240635228_10222934101852540_5806625870491829080_nOne of the things that bugs me about a lot of the “wanna be” progressives who come on Facebook and other social media platforms. Who do the long “I got all the answers” posts. And think they are supposed to tell people like me, and people who live where I live, who to vote for, and the right way to see current events. Is that on days like today they got “nothing”. It’s usually is not their daughters and sons wearing the uniform of the United States military. Often it’s because they don’t have to. Their children for the most part have other choices..lots of other choices. Regardless of how we feel about war. Going into the military for many of our children provides them educational and vocational opportunities they won’t otherwise be able to get. The horror that goes through the minds and hearts of the parents and family of the troops serving in Afghanistan today … not knowing if their child survived an attack like today can’t be described.. It’s got nothing to do with if you call yourself a ” progressive” or not. many of the people l talked to on the phone today are some of the hardest working activists l have ever known. Living in fear of getting that notification….U.S. Marine, Sgt Johanny Rosario (25)
U.S. Marine, Cpl Hunter Lopez (22)
U.S. Marine, LCpl Kareem Nikoui (22)
U.S. Marine, LCpl Rylee McCollum (20)
U.S. Marine, LCpl Jared Schmitz (20)
U.S. Marine, LCpl David Lee Espinoza (20)
U.S. Navy, Maxton Soviak (20)
U.S. Marine, SSGT Taylor Hoover (31)
U.S. Marine, Cpl Daegan Page (23)
U.S. Army, SSGT Ryan Knauss (23)
U.S. Marine, Cpl Humberto Sanchez (22)
U.S. Marine, Sgt Nicole Gee (23)
U.S. Marine, LCpl Dylan Merola (20)