The caption reads “Thank you South Africa”…..There is a lot of pain going around in many parts of the world today. But I think this is a powerful moment in the history of oppressed people, in the record of a twisted racial colonialism. And in asserting the fact that oppressed people have a right …no ..a duty to resist. South Africa using the “sham” International Court of Justice to actually suing Israel for of all charges that “buzz word” genocide. Here in the U.S. every time that charge is made against Israel ….what Americans PRETEND to hear is that people are threatening Israel with genocide….covering their ears so they don’t hear what is really happening is Israel is being charge with genocide itself. The word itself has become a weaponized way of shutting down criticism of Israel. Gaza is not the only place in the world where people are facing removal, and denied the right to return to their lands…And as awful as the apparent attempt to exterminate the Arab population of Gaza is…it’s not the only place in the world where this is happening. Other than older African Americans who lived through the horror of “Jim Crow” people on earth know the deadly cruelty and mass humiliation of Apartheid more than the people of South Africa…the only people in this moment who have the historical gravitas to call what’s happening in Gaza and the West Bank…and what’s been happening in all of Palestine for most the last 70 odd years exactly what it is. Because Imperialism , and colonialism and capitalism are still powerful forces in the world. Thus we know the “law suit” does not stand a chance..I mean look at how the world agonized over the cruelty of the Hamas attack but …after almost thirty times that number of innocent people who had NOTHING to do with the Hamas attack are dead..we are asked to just let the slaughter continue because the lives of one people are important but the dead of the “others” are just numbers…This says more about us than it says about how evil this Israeli slaughter fest is….YES Thank you South Africa ..a country that knows cruelty better than most….for reminding the world how much Justice and Equality still scare the shit out of the powerful